Liceul Tehnologic "Anghel Saligny", Rosiorii de Vede
Liceul Tehnologic "Anghel Saligny", Rosiorii de Vede
"Anghel Saligny" Technical High school has had a tradition of over 40 years. Our team believes in providing a learning environment dedicated to general and professional development of students, in terms of quality, providing them real opportunities for social integration and professional development and training in cultural activities and sports.
The 760 pupils, aged between 14 and 20 years of age, are qualified in areas such Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Mechanics, Electro mechanics, Electric, Electronics and Automation, sports( volley and handball), philology classes. Our teachers are highly trained, engaged in the development of their teaching career. The college has experience in organizing: cultural and scientific activities, symposiums and workshops in collaboration with various educational partners ( “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, "Valahia" University of Targoviste, "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, the University of Arad, CCD Teleorman, ISJ Teleorman, etc.) Training for adults in partnership with CCD Teleorman, ISJ Teleorman, CEA, CATALACTICA Association, etc.
In partnership with the Romanian Association for Recycling "RoRec" the school has actively contributed to the preservation, protection and improvement in the environmental qualit , human health, rational use of natural resources, waste collection and recycling. Furthermore, the school has promoted sustainable relationships between children, adults and environment through participation alongside the non-governmental organization Carpatho-Danubian Centre of Geoecology "CCDG", in social responsibility programmes and competitions such as "ECO Patrol", "LeAF", "Eco Picture of the Year ", etc. "Recycle, Reuse, Reconditioning".
Let's Do It, Romania; Let's do it, Danube; World Environment Day; projects have developed new attitudes towards the world around us. The past projects, related to environment protection, gave us experience and the motivation to take part to the this Erasmus KA2 partnership. Our experience in KA1 and KA2 project is an important asset of this project. We can organize during the TPM or LTT some activities related to project subject we believe that learning science can be the engine of progress. New approaches to teaching and evaluation are needed.
Today's students need to learn to model the information they have, to select the essentials. we have experienced teachers, trainers who can work on developing didactic strategies appropriate to a complex educational context, the European one. We can share experience with colleagues, educational challenges, aspirations.
Persons involved in the project:
1. Mirela Stanescu , Physics teacher, Erasmus projects responsible
2. Stan Ilie, IT teacher
3. Rosioara Iuliana, Physics teacher
4. Pereanu Cristina, English teacher All that have: Certified competences in English and/or French, experience in educational projects management.